Firstbeat Year-end Reflections
On the last days of the year and before getting oriented to the next one, it is a privilege to look back at the past 12 months and summarize what…
On the last days of the year and before getting oriented to the next one, it is a privilege to look back at the past 12 months and summarize what…
In the aftermath of our annual international seminar in London – Getting the balance right – here’s once again some reflection on the topic of balance. The London seminar’s title…
The year was filled with progress, program updates, new international and Finnish partners and thousands of Lifestyle Assessments around the world.
It’s the summer holiday season in Finland and most of Scandinavia, and worldwide the pace of life slows down a little bit in July-August when people are taking their well-deserved…
In 2011-2012, Firstbeat took and is taking major steps in going international in the health and well-being sector by conducting lifestyle assessment projects and arranging training seminars in several European…
A few weeks ago (Oct 18 2011) our database analysis revealed the grim truth (based on more than 20 000, 24 hour measurements). Finns have their poorest recovery during the weekend…
Heart rate variability based assessments clearly indicate that Finnish employees’ stress levels are significantly higher during weekends than during workdays. An analysis of about 2.5 billion heartbeats shows that there…