

Firstbeat Life

Why you too should join!

Balance stress and recovery for better health​

Firstbeat Life is your personal health and wellness solution that helps you balance stress and recovery. You get valuable insights into your resources, sleep and exercise.​

The most advanced technology ​
for balancing stress and recovery

Bring the power of science to everyday decisions affecting health.​

Firstbeat is a pioneer on heart rate variability analysis. With Firstbeat Life, you benefit from pro-grade physiological measurements and personalized guidance for a healthier lifestyle.

How will Firstbeat Life help me?

How will Firstbeat Life help me live a balanced, healthier life? What key findings can I unlock about my body’s reactions to daily activities?

Take a playful ‘Day with Firstbeat Life’ demo and see for yourself how your experience will be like:

Tips for getting started

Watch the video (4min)

How do I join?

Take advantage of this opportunity and join Firstbeat Life today!

Sign up via your company. You will get further instructions from your company’s HR or bespoken Firstbeat Life contact.

What happens after I sign up?

Depending on your company, you will either get the service straight after you sign up or soon after! You will receive an email from, once the service is ready for you to start using:

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Register an account on the app and order your measurement device.

2) Start your first measurement

Once you receive your device, charge it and pair it with your Firstbeat Life app.

3)  Fill out the in-app diary

Record your daily activities by using the in-app diary: How do different daily activities influence your health?

4) Learn from your results

Start making small, better choices and see their impact with regular measurements.

Events for you

As a Firstbeat Life user you get to join our virtual events free of charge. Take advance of Firstbeat experts’ advice to help improve your health and well-being.

Firstbeat Life Clinics

Join our Firstbeat Life Clinics to deepen your understanding of the phenomena of stress and recovery and learn more about your Firstbeat Life results.

Sign up here

Still unsure? Watch the Firstbeat Life video

What is Firstbeat Life and how will it help you live a healthier lifestyle? Watch the video to learn more.

Watch video

Join in on the change!
Firstbeat Life will support you in your journey to a healthier, balanced life.


You have it in you.

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