Past Event
Firstbeat Sports Team Attending FSI Conference on High Performance in Football
13 Oct - 14 Oct @ Sevilla, Spain

This year’s IV FSI Conference on High Performance in Football will be held in Sevilla, Spain on October 13-14.
Organized by the Football Science Institute this conference is aimed at students, football practitioners, and staff from different professional clubs and features more than 20 lectures related to the sciences applied to football, given by high-level international experts. The format of the event includes plenary sessions, round tables, workshops, and exchange of knowledge with the experts themselves.
Firstbeat’s Matteo Viazzo will be in attendance to talk to participants about Firstbeat Sports and how it can benefit football coaches and players.
If you would like to arrange a meeting with Matteo in advance, you can book one directly via the link below.
Further information on the conference can all be found on the official website.
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