Past Event
Firstbeat Sponsoring the ESC to Boost the Young, European Sales Talents 1st of June
1 Jun

Got sales talent? Now students from all over the Europe have the opportunity to test their sales skills with Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment.
We at Firstbeat want to support young sales talents and take part in their journey acquiring experience and learning new skills in sales. As a growing company, Firstbeat sees the importance of quality sales education and real-life experience which the ESC provides to students. Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment is an excellent product for the competition as it provides multiple angles which to choose from when getting ready to sales negotiation. Firstbeat representatives will be evaluating students’ sales performances in the competition.
The European Sales Competition aims to develop the sales education across Europe and the event is hosted by Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences on 1st of May 2016 in Helsinki, Finland. European Sales Competition targets the (under)graduate students in Europe to compete in a real-life situation where their objective is to sell a product to the company representatives.
Good luck to all finalists! We look forward to the competition day.
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