Past Event
Firstbeat Partners with Medicine+Sports Conference Asia to Support Growing Sports and Digital Health Conversation Around the Globe
1 Sep

Firstbeat founder and CEO Joni Kettunen, Ph.D. will be in Singapore to discuss the latest innovations in the sports and digital health industry as part of the inaugural Medical Fair Asia Medicine + Sports Conference held September 1st at the Sands Expo & Convention Center, Marina Bay Sands Singapore.
This special event builds on the remarkable success of Europe’s annual MEDICA Sports + Medicine conference by expanding the critical interdisciplinary conversation to Asia, where accelerated growth in these sectors is widely expected. Together sports medicine experts, healthcare providers, physicians, fitness trainers and industry players from around the world will have an opportunity to to discuss innovations in sports medicine and pertinent healthcare challenges specific to Asia and the Southeast Asian region.
In the first session (10:40am) of the conference, Kettunen will join an expert panel moderated by Sonja Sulzmaier, Ph.D., Managing Partner of Navispace, organizers of the Innovation World Cup Series. The panel will discuss the role of physical activity in healthcare programs and how guidelines can and should be adapted to support the expansion of that role. Other experts joining the conversation include Vincent Phang, Deputy Director of Physical Activity and Weight Management at the Health Promotion Board of Singapore; Dr Cormac O’Muircheartaigh, Medical Director, The Sports Medicine Lab Singapore; Dr Raymond So, Director of Elite Training Science and Technology, Hong Kong Sports Institute; and Dr Ben Tan, Chief of the Department of Sports Medicine at Changi General Hospital and Chairman of Exercise is Medicine, Singapore.
During the third session of the day (2:15pm), Kettunen will deliver a keynote presentation, “Monitoring Exercise and Stress in Consumer Products, Professional Sports and Preventative Healthcare”, to examine the latest industry innovations and challenges of transforming monitoring data into actionable information for application in these area.
The Medical Fair Asia Medicine + Sports Conference is part of the Medical Fair Asia, the leading medical fair in the region with 10,000 attendees and 1000 exhibitors from around the world.
Firstbeat is an official partner of the Medicine + Sports Conference.
For more information about this event, visit:
To arrange an interview with Firstbeat CEO Joni Kettunen during the event, e-mail: