Time Spent in Different Heart Rate Zones – Comparison Between Sports

heart rate zones in sports

At Firstbeat Sports, we analyzed over 4 million measurements to compare the time athletes spend in each heart rate zone across various sports. The findings reveal intriguing patterns that highlight the unique demands of different sports and the physiological adaptations they require.

Heart Rate Zones: The Basics

Heart rate zones are a key indicator of the energy systems that athletes utilize during exercise. These zones range from Zone 1 (50-60% of maximum heart rate) to Zone 5 (90-100% of maximum heart rate). Each zone reflects a different level of exertion, from light, aerobic activities to high-intensity efforts that push the limits of an athlete’s cardiorespiratory system.


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Sport-Specific Heart Rate Zone Engagement

Our data analysis reveals distinct differences in how athletes from various sports spend their time across these heart rate zones.

High-Intensity Training Leaders: Rugby and Basketball

Rugby and basketball players stand out for their significant time spent in high-intensity zones (Zones 4 and 5). These athletes typically spend 15-30 minutes in Zone 5 during games, which is crucial for enhancing cardiorespiratory fitness and improving their ability to perform repeated sprints.

In fact, rugby players spend nearly 40% of match time in high-intensity zones, indicating the extreme demands of the sport, among the highest in team sports.

Endurance-Like Training: Baseball

In contrast, baseball players exhibit training patterns more similar to endurance athletes, with a focus on Zones 1 and 2. These lower-intensity zones are essential for recovery and building a solid aerobic base, which contributes to better performance longevity. This approach reflects the sport’s emphasis on endurance and sustained effort over time, rather than short bursts of intense activity.

What These Findings Mean for Athletes and Coaches

By tailoring training to the specific demands of each sport, coaches can better prepare their athletes for the physiological challenges they will face in competition.

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