Do Men and Women Stress Differently? Revelation from the Firstbeat Database
#Big Data Findings #Stress & Recovery
Subjectively speaking (based on self-reporting), women experience more stress than men, and objective, heart rate variability -based data seems to concur with this: women have more physiological stress than men. The result is perhaps surprising because women do more things “right” (or at least better than men…) when it comes to recovery. This blog discusses the differences between men and women in the area of stress, recovery and sleep – and speculates on some of the possible explanations and effects on daily well-being.
Time Spent in Different Heart Rate Zones – Comparison Between Sports
#Big Data Findings
At Firstbeat Sports, we analyzed over 4 million measurements to compare the time athletes spend in each heart rate zone across various sports. The findings reveal intriguing patterns that highlight…
Understanding Heart Rate Zones in Soccer: Insights from Firstbeat Sports Data
#Big Data Findings
At Firstbeat Sports, we’ve utilized our extensive big data to compare the time youth soccer players and men’s professionals spend in each heart rate zone during their training sessions. The…
Time Spent in Different Heart Rate Zones in Ice Hockey
#Big Data Findings
Using data from our Firstbeat big database, we’ve analyzed the time ice hockey players spend in various heart rate zones, with a focus on how this differs by age. Higher…
How Long Basketball Players Spend Training Each Week According to Age
#Big Data Findings
Recent analysis from our Firstbeat big database provides interesting insights into how training time and intensity are distributed among basketball players of various ages. Our data reveals that younger basketball…
Differences in Acute Load in Younger vs Older Players
#Big Data Findings
Using our Firstbeat big database, we have analyzed the typical Acute Load (7-day TRIMP sum) across different age groups in men’s basketball, ice hockey, and soccer. The data shows that…