Understanding Menopause and Creating Personalized Strategies to Help Women Thrive
#Stress & Recovery
Menopause marks a significant transition in a woman’s life, often accompanied by a wide range of symptoms that can feel overwhelming. Understanding these changes and implementing effective strategies can empower…
Do Men and Women Stress Differently? Revelation from the Firstbeat Database
#Big Data Findings #Stress & Recovery
Subjectively speaking (based on self-reporting), women experience more stress than men, and objective, heart rate variability -based data seems to concur with this: women have more physiological stress than men. The result is perhaps surprising because women do more things “right” (or at least better than men…) when it comes to recovery. This blog discusses the differences between men and women in the area of stress, recovery and sleep – and speculates on some of the possible explanations and effects on daily well-being.
Physiological Data as the Starting Point in Lifestyle Coaching: Discussion on Two Firstbeat Life Cases
#Wellness Coaching #Firstbeat Life
In this blog, I will discuss two fairly typical Firstbeat Life cases by sharing “the story behind the data”, a few highlights of the result, as well as action points…
Supporting Your Clients to Make the Most of Their Firstbeat Life Experience – Measure and Learn
#Wellness Coaching #Firstbeat Life
To wear or not to wear…? Sensible use of wearable devices is an important consideration for coaches who want to utilize data to add depth to their programs and motivate…
There is No Right Way to Enjoy the Summer Holidays – Discover What Works Best for You
#Stress & Recovery
An all-inclusive vacation resort recently organized the “best summer vacationer” competition here in Finland and Firstbeat Life measurements were used to determine the winner. The couple who had the best…
Get a Comprehensive View of Your Clients Load of Life – Tips to Upscale Your Coaching
#Wellness Coaching #Firstbeat Life
Stress has a negative ring to it but in most cases, it’s not dangerous nor does it need to be eliminated from our lives. It helps us meet life’s challenges….
Why Good-Quality Sleep Should Be at The Heart of All Comprehensive Coaching Programs
#Wellness Coaching #Stress & Recovery
Restorative sleep is the basis of good health and performance – it helps the body recover from stress, physical exertion, and fatigue, whereas poor-quality or insufficient sleep predisposes us to…
Firstbeat Life and Medications – What to Keep in Mind
#Firstbeat Life
With the aging of the population, more and more people have at least one chronic illness or condition, and medication is the primary form of treatment in many chronic and…
My Experience with Covid-19 – and What the Data Showed on The Road to Recovery
#Firstbeat Life
I stayed clear of Covid-19 for two and a half years, with vaccinations, good luck, a healthy lifestyle, and common sense (masks, hand washing, and avoiding crowded places whenever I…
Tis the Season – for Summer Holidays! How to Recharge Your Battery for an Energizing Comeback
#Stress & Recovery
The summer holidays can give you a chance to get away from the sometimes tedious routines that you follow during the rest of the year, but it’s also easy to overbook yourself during your time off, resulting in high expectations and too many things to do. You deserve a break but will feel better afterwards if you look after your personal well-being during your vacation.
Towards Better Sleep: What Do Hormones, Daylight and Being Active Have to Do with It?
#Stress & Recovery
In March we celebrate healthy sleep because it is international sleep month and sleep awareness month – and today is World Sleep Day. A good time to spend a few…
Reflecting Back and Looking Ahead – How to Keep Your Wellness in Check?
#Stress & Recovery
In this blog, Firstbeat Master Trainer Tiina Hoffman shares insight, how to approach reflecting your life from the viewpoint of daily wellness choices and the value of identifying a few core wellness principles.