Firstbeat Life™

The most advanced technology
for balancing stress and recovery.

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Lead Workplace Well-being and  Promote Employee Health with Science-backed Insights

Firstbeat Life is a subscription-based corporate wellness solution designed to support employee health risk management and workplace health promotion.

Company-level reporting to manage wellness trends and risks.

Accurate & reliable sensor for HRV and 3D motion tracking.

Firstbeat Life app for meaningful stress & recovery insights.

Personal coaching for additional support and advice.

Firstbeat Life™ for Corporate Wellness
Executive Summary

Company-Level Understanding

Easy-to-use reporting platform to monitor company-wide health and wellness and identify potential risks.
Firstbeat Life Sensor

Reliable and Accurate Data

Personal HRV sensor lets staff monitor their sleep, recovery, stress, and exercise as often as they want.
Life Mobile App

Insights Into Body Responses

Firstbeat Life app for staff to understand the effect of their daily choices and improve their well-being.
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Additional Support

Qualified Firstbeat Coaches keep motivation high and engage employees to make positive changes.

Engage every employee

Allow everyone to discover what’s right for them and improve their well-being on their own terms.

Make data-driven decisions

Get a complete picture of your company’s status and optimize the impact of your well-being strategy.

Gain measurable results

Boost efficiency, reduce health costs, build resilient employees and create a caring work environment.

Dive Deeper into Company-level Performance Trends and Team Results

Use our leading corporate wellness technology to verify the effectiveness of your well-being actions and investment.

Data privacy is a high priority for us and only anonymous group data is shared with the employer. Read more about our privacy policy.

Read more about Firstbeat Life company reporting
Firstbeat Life Corporate Feature - Company Score

A concise summary of your company’s well-being status and progress. See the number of high risk employees, work satisfaction, and Firstbeat Life usage.

Help Your Employees Manage Their Stress and Recovery

For individuals, Firstbeat Life is a pro-grade personal health and wellness service that provides highly accurate insights on stress, recovery, sleep and exercise. The service helps to find the right balance between load and recovery and make choices that support your own health.

Firstbeat Life for Employees 

"By building people’s curiosity about their health and well-being through actual data we get much deeper engagement.”

Duncan Young, Head of Workplace Health and Well-Being, Lendlease

Discover how we have created value for customers

Firstbeat Life Service Providers Have Helped Over 10,000 Organizations.

Over 300,000 employees have already improved their well-being.
Clients achieve wellness program engagement rates of up to

92 %
improved their well-being
Over 85 %
increased their work efficiency
Up to 30 %
decrease in sick days